AC Capehart/Office of Miglatude

Created Mon, 02 Apr 2007 17:10:32 +0000 Modified Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:31:47 +0000
215 Words

I hate when I’m stopped for directions in San Fancisco. I’ve not been in the area long, and I spend astonishingly little time in the city that isn’t 1) in the office or 2) on the walk to/from BART/carpool.

I was stopped on the walking portion of my morning commute today by an older Hispanic man and his obviously embarrassed wife. He told me, in fairly unaccented English: “I am looking for the office of Miglatude.”

I said I was sorry, and what exactly was he looking for? He repeated his statement exactly.

I asked one more time, and this time, the (l) migrated a little bit to an (r), such that it was the office of ‘Migratude’.

Fortunately, this was enough for me to figure it out. Migratude was clearly Migration, so he wanted the office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. It was an easy two block walk that I was able to direct him to, as I’d walked past the entrance on Sansome St. before my commute walk pattern settled into the routine it’s now in.