AC Capehart/Quick Notes

Created Mon, 31 Jul 2006 04:52:24 +0000 Modified Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:31:47 +0000
224 Words

I’m back in PA with my family. So nice to see them. It drives home my impatience for the resolution of this whole transition though.

I’m not quite back to my former status with Sam, but I was clearly no stranger either.

The things that struck me most about her after having been gone for almost 2 months:

  • Larger: Project Fatbaby has been largely successful.

  • More alert: Actually attentive to things rather than just responsive to stimuli

  • Sleep: She sleeps like a person — no more swaddling blanket

  • Crying: She seems to have made a transition from a long, drawn out wail type cry that lasted as long as her breath, to more of a stuttery, sniffly cry. And she seems to be able to turn it off much more quickly now too.

  • Crawling and vocalizing: These I knew about, but it’s neat to actually see.

    • *And, on a completely unrelated note, I saw what I thought to be a funny mascot when I was house-hunting out in CA. I’m not saying you could walk right over them, but… The bus I was on took us past a sign that said “Miramonte High School … Home of the Mats”