AC Capehart/Those amusing web stats programs

Created Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:31:58 +0000 Modified Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:31:47 +0000
372 Words

Joe, the author of Dadblog — one of the 2 blogs that I read where I don’t know the author — wrote to me today. Apparently, he was looking through his web log analysis software, and saw a referrer he didn’t recognize (my blog). He checked me out and correctly deduced that we have a common friend in Clinton.

This spurred me to check my own logs.

Almost everything was as I expected but for 2 things:

  1. Really clever marketing from “greenzap”
  1. More details on my picture of the Irish pub

Greenzap marketing

So, greenzap is a not-yet-started PayPal clone — presumably targeting the Paypal Sucks crowd. I would think that they would have a hard time breaking into the paypal space, but they have an aggressive referral bonus structure and decent pricing (for high-end purchases at least). So, maybe they can do it. Anyway, someone visited my blog (probably robotically) in a way that made it look like a “blog” at greenzap linked to me. The intent was almost certainly what happened. I checked it out. I blogged about it. The difference being that I’m not going to actually link to greenzap or tell you how cool it is to try to get my $5 for signing you up. I’ll let those who use “.0” versions of software send their money to start-up financial companies in hopes of future riches from their guerilla marketing tactics. (as opposed to, say, AOL’s gorilla marketing tactics)

Image surprises

I saw that most of my search engine hits were from Google Images rather than Google proper. After a little investigation, I figured out why. Thanks to all those bloggers who linked in my picture of the “Stephen J Fahy Hole in the Wall” pub, if you google-image on “pub”, my picture is on the first page of results. Of course, I’m now even more tempted to pull a Kinsella.