AC Capehart/Comic legislation

Created Tue, 15 Feb 2005 00:19:13 +0000 Modified Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:31:47 +0000
161 Words

I don’t acquire much news these days. However, I do still often wake to NPR. Today I heard part of an interesting story on comics. I’d already been introduced to my Central PA neighbor Jay Hosler‘s work as well as the darwin collaboration that the story refers to by a comic book buddy and communications professor (all wrapped up in the same dude) on a bike ride together. I already knew that comics could have a profound impact on our thinking both culturally and individually. That’s part of the reason, my Austrian Economic/Libertarian friends are so excited by when Batman saves the VonMises writings., and of course Anarky.

What I did learn, and found fascinating, from this NPR Story was that the Arkansas legislature used language from a pro-creationist comic to draft legislation.

Just more evidence for the great power of good story telling.