AC Capehart/Blog Switch

Created Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:39:24 +0000 Modified Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:31:47 +0000
368 Words

I’d been thinking about switching blog tools for a while. I liked blogger, but I wasn’t completely satisfied with it. Mainly, I was missing having categories. Then, I started installing a new machine to act as the primary server for I got it serving web pages no problem. However, because it has a different SSH host identity, but the same username/password/IP Address, blogger failed to connect to it. So, I wrote to blogger support. Ha! What a waste. You have to navigate past the reasonable help areas before you can write to them. Then, they auto-answer your email with a list of possibly related help areas, and assume you’re done unless they hear back from you. Well, they heard back from me saying I was still having the problem. But I’ve not heard back from them! So, now I’m trying wordpress. I’m uncertain about whether to (or how to) transfer previous blogger entries. And, of course now I’ve got to re-design again.

I figure I should put a word about the title change too. The new title comes from a time when I attended Brogden Middle School. It was one of 3 years of my primary education when, as a white boy, I was in the racial minority in the Durham City School system. One of they ways that they kept us off the mean streets of Durham was with painting. We got big sheets of butcher paper, a couple of colors of paint, etc. One of the other students brought around a large coffee can containing the brushes we had to choose from. As I wanted to be able to affect clean lines of separation between my blacks and my blues, I pawed through the can looking for a brush that wasn’t completely splayed from overuse. This held up the process and greatly annoyed the brush distributor who admonished me by saying “Quit being such a choicy white boy!” Despite the recommendation, I’ve still not given it up.