AC Capehart/Endless Shower

Created Sat, 05 Mar 2011 16:40:16 +0000 Modified Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:31:47 +0000
178 Words

I do some of my best thinking in the shower. Or at least it feels like it while I’m in the shower. 🙂 But, if ever there were a guilty pleasure of mine, it’s a long, hot shower. Both the water required and the power required to heat that water are a wasteful luxury. As I was musing this over in the shower this morning, it occurred to me that most of this waste is because the water going down the drain that is still “mostly hot” and “mostly clean.” It just got me wondering how hard would it really be to reuse that water? It would need to be filtered some and warmed some, and maybe the filtering is “the rub”. But I didn’t get too much time to think about the complications. I ran out of hot water!