AC Capehart/Where?

Created Mon, 15 Dec 2008 10:42:05 +0000 Modified Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:31:47 +0000
172 Words

Sam and I were looking at a map of the UK and Ireland and I asked if she knew who comes from Ireland? She didn’t know that that’s where her (great-)aunt Janet is from, so we talked about that. She asked where her (great-)aunt Scotties is from, and I said “Richmond, where Grand-mère lives now.” The following conversation ensued:

Sam: Daddy, I’ve got a new country coming.

Dad: Oh? What’s the name of the new country?

Sam: (her glance around the room landing on my laptop) Computery Richmond!

Dad: Computery Richmond? Who lives in Computery Richmond?

Sam: Spoony Anna Gray

Dad: Oh, Spoony Anny Gray?

Sam: Yes, and Geegie Gaggie.

Dad: Does anybody else live in Computery Richmond?

Sam: Nope, that’s all the people I know.